User: A Mile of Sky

Guerilla gardening

Guerrilla gardening is the act of gardening – raising food plants or flowers – on land that the gardeners do not have the legal rights to cultivate, such as abandoned sites, areas that are not being cared for, or private property. It encompasses a diverse range of people and motivations, ranging from gardeners who spill over their legal boundaries to gardeners with a political purpose, who seek to provoke change by using guerrilla gardening as a form of protest or direct action. This practice has implications for land rights and land reform; aiming to promote re-consideration of land ownership in order to assign a new purpose or reclaim the land that is perceived to be in neglect or misused. Some gardeners work at night, in relative secrecy, in an effort to make the area more useful or attractive. Some garden during the day for publicity.


Source: Wikipedia contributors. "Guerrilla gardening." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 1 May. 2021. Web. 28 Jun. 2021.

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